Category: tools and tips

Organising Mailers

I am a member of more mailers than I can list. Some have served me well. Some are virtual ghost towns. Others, (the vast majority)...

What’s the deal with crypto faucets?

The cryptocurrency world is exploding It reminds me in some ways of the early days of Internet marketing and that’s exciting, but it also can...

Where’s the value in that?

Value. What does it mean? How do you ascertain value when comparing apples and oranges? What does return on investment mean and while we’re at...

My head is hurting trying to keep up.

What a week! Everywhere I look, I see opportunity. The world is literally exploding with potential. I mean, everywhere. Where do I start? These NFTs...

Are List Mailers Dying?

As an affiliate marketer, I’ve been using list mailers or safelists for many years. I’ve by and large got reasonable results from them for that...