Tag: ctptalk

The strategic truths of online marketing

I’ve been tying myself in knots lately trying to explain some simple fundamental truths that people should accept if they are going to attempt online...

The Unexpected CTPX Bonus

In a previous post, I recommended that people check out CTPX. In that post, I mentioned that the site has realigned a tired old concept...

You Need to Check Out CTPX

It’s been a while since I posted anything to the BullFreeZone site. I’ve been busy attending to my first love, which is fiction writing. I’ve...

What does quality traffic really mean?

If I had a dollar for every product claiming to offer quality traffic, I could buy enough quality traffic to last me for months…maybe even...

Shiny Object or Evergreen Plan?

I’m a chronic info product accumulator. My hard drive is jammed full of zip files and PDFdocuments that I’ll never access or promote. Curiosity invariably...